Contrast this with her rebuke of an Adventist woman who wore jewelry: White adorned herself with a gold watch chain, silver watch, and brooch. Other accessories mentioned were a 'gold watch chain' with a 'silver watch in her pocket, and a simple brooch.'" 6 "Twenty-nine referred to her dress material, describing it as 'black velvet or silk,' 'two-piece garment,' 'dress did not seem to adorn her, she seemed to adorn the dress.' As an accent to the black, Mrs. Notice what the eyewitnesses said regarding her appearance: He asked them to recall her platform manner, whether the event was public or private, what impressed them most, and what they remembered about her message." 5 "In 1957-1959, Horace Shaw, long-time professor of speech at Emmanuel Missionary College (Andrews University), developed a list of 366 people who had heard Ellen White speak. In his defense of Ellen White, Adventist author Herbert E. Perhaps she made one slip-up for a private photo, but as a practice, did she really wear jewelry in public? To answer that question, we need to ask the eyewitnesses. White wearing of a golden chain? Was it a sign of religious declension in her life? Let us give Sister White the benefit of the doubt.

Some have been so unfortunate as to come into possession of gold chains or pins, or both, and have shown bad taste in exhibiting them, making them conspicuous to attract attention." 4 "I have marked with pain your religious declension and your disposition to trim and ornament your apparel. White said she was "pained" to see the youth wearing golden chains and that it was a sign of "religious declension": "To dress plainly, abstaining from display of jewelry and ornaments of every kind, is in keeping with our faith." 3 This photograph was taken 15 years after she condemned others for wearing similar "idols" of jewelry: 2 Notice that Ellen is displaying a decorative brooch on her collar and is parading a decorative chain. On the right is a photograph of Ellen White with her twin sister Elizabeth at age 51. Could it be that Ellen White, while telling others to put away their jewelry, was herself indulging in the "idols"? White makes it clear God is calling on Adventists to "put away their idols" of jewelry that are used "for display and parade".

Then let it not be spent for gems, for gold, or precious stones." 1 Do not expend one dollar of God's money in purchasing needless articles. "The Lord God of heaven calls upon man to put away their idols, to cut off every extravagant desire, to indulge in nothing that is simply-for display and parade, and to study economy in purchasing garments and furniture. White condemned the wearing of jewelry as idolatry against God:

(Ellen White, 3SM 244) Picture compliments of bible.ca "A fantastic dress, a display of gold chains and gaudy laces, is a certain indication of a weak head and a proud heart."